29 March 2025
Close results in 2024 Grenfell Crop competition

There were six entries in this year's Grenfell Crop Competition, with very close results recorded.

Entry, Variety, Estimated Yield, Total points

Paul Tognetti, Sunmaster, 6.2, 198

Jamie Wright, Mustang, 6.1, 196

Rob Taylor, Sunmaster, 6.0, 194

Jarod Amery, Sunflex, 5.8, 189

Henry Mitton, Sunflex, 5.5, 182

Ben Armstrong Raider 5.4, 178

Judge's comments:

The top three crops were very close, and my estimates could be such that the ranking could be different when actual harvest results are known.

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All crops were excellent, generally clean and free of disease. Some small amounts of Crown Rot in a couple of cases and one with a small amount of Take-All. Very low levels (if any) of rust or septoria

Generally most were well fertilised, with up to 270kg/ha of Urea applied during the season, on top of around 100kg of MAP at sowing (some with added urea at sowing also)

Of course there was some frost damage, but this does not affect management points, only takes some yield, generally only about 2-5% was found in affected crops.

The three highest yielding crops all were using some form of Variable Rate Technology, mainly for nitrogen applied as top dressing.

This appeared to help with evenness and with applying more N where needed without necessarily applying much different overall.

All crops had some fungicide applied, usually once but sometimes twice – some with in-furrow at sowing as part of the strategy, being why we saw almost no foliar disease.

Row spacing varied from 23.5cm to 30cm (9.5 inch to 12), and seeding rate varied from 45 to 60kg/ha. Varieties were Sunflex (2), Sunmaster (2), Raider and Mustang.

Most crops were grown following Canola in 2023.

The winning crop unfortunately will not progress further in the state competition. In the next stage they select only perhaps 6 crop from all the regions to be judged, and we understand there are some very bog crop this year in Northern NSW. The cut-off this year is 206 points.

You get most points for yield in this competition (20 points per tonne).

My thanks to all who entered and took the time to help us with judging, and to Bill, Greg and Megan Starr for organising the day and helping with the logistics.

Alan Umbers

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