28 March 2025
CEF of Grenfell award 2025 Scholarships

By Jenny Armstrong

We are very excited to announce that 28 young people of the Weddin Shire have just been awarded their CEF of Grenfell scholarship. With the great support from our community, we have been able to allocate $57000, with some scholarships to the value of $5000.

At the start of the month, we concluded our interviews. Along with our committee members and community representatives, Josh Taylor, Sophie Hancock, Brad Robinson, plus past recipient, Joseph Hodges, we were all impressed with how the applicants presented themselves and could clearly articulate their goals and plans, and be realistic about the challenges. We were buoyed by their enthusiasm and sense of purpose.

This year we ran an information session prior to the interviews for our first time applicants. It was an opportunity to outline how the scholarships worked, their responsibilities and to understand how the committee works and how they too can give back. The initial feedback was very positive: a lot of questions were answered and they met the people on the other end of the emails and messages. This year there are 12 recipients who are first time applicants.

We are supporting future engineers, mechanical engineers, teachers, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, sports and exercise scientists, builders, mechanics, nurses, lawyers, agronomist and agricultural business people, pharmacists, diplomats, and politicians, police, medical researchers, digital media creators and producers. An amazing cross section of skills and talents all from our community.

Thanks to all the panel members. A big thanks to Grenfell Bowling Club for the great support. It makes our day run smoothly. And always a big thanks to our donors and supporters. You are helping to sustain our community with this support of our wonderful young people.