28 March 2025
Grenfell rallies to support children in need through Operation Christmas Child

Once again the people of Grenfell have shown their wonderful support for Operation Christmas Child.

This year the Grenfell Public School and The Henry Lawson High School packed shoeboxes along with St. Josephs School and Grenfell Pre School which was a wonderful encouragement Grenfell have been able to send 465 shoeboxes to the children in great need.

Our shoeboxes will go to Cambodia, Fiji, Philippines, Solomon Island Ukraine and Sensitive Counties These shoeboxes bring along many opportunities to not only the children they are delivered to but the whole community. Each shoeboxes is a Gospel opportunity.

When each child receives their shoebox they are given their own Booklet which is called “The Greatest Gift Of All “ which is a simple version of the Scriptures

After receiving a shoebox children who are seven years of age and over are invited back to participate in The Greatest Journey a 12 lesson evangelism and discipleship program When the children who finish this program, they receive their own New Testament Bible and many accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

So each box is a gospel opportunity and also an opportunity to provide practical assistance in education, clean water, health care and livelihood training in the areas where shoeboxes are distributed. All these programs are run by Samaritan Purse.

Although cut off for this year’s shoeboxes has gone it would be wonderful if people would keep packing a shoebox in mind for next year

Thanking You In His Name

Joyce Baker

Project Leader for OCC in Grenfell

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