Report from Grenfell & District Senior Citizens Welfare Committee for August 2024

The monthly meeting was held at Grenfell Bowling Club on August 27, 2024 and was attended by 13 members with 2 apologies.

Business arising from the previous meeting was reported as nil as all tasks had been finalised.

The only correspondence received was a thank you note from Doug Reid in respect of a sympathy card in respect of the passing of his mother received from the committee.

The Fund Raising Committee thanked all persons who assisted with the street stalls which were a great success. Congratulations to Isabel Holmes who won the trailer of wood.

Drum Muster was carried out on August 20 at the Grenfell tip. Thanks to everyone who washed their drums as we are not allowed to accept them otherwise.

The next collection will be in February 2025.

President Denis reported on the new units. The second stage of funding was in progress and we keep our fingers crossed.

The next meeting will be on September 24 at the Bowling Club at 3.00pm. and all persons are most welcome to attend.

By Ted Pickwell