28 March 2025
The Henry Lawson High School celebrates achievements

The Henry Lawson High School has celebrated students' achievements at their annual Presentation Day.

There were several awards presented to students at the presentation Day.

Academic Excellence

The Award for Academic Excellence Years 7 to 12 is based on academic performance. It is awarded to the student who receives the highest order of merit for the subjects that they have studied that year.

Year 7: Sienna Yerbury

Year 8: Natalie Sheehan

Year 9: Adelaide Nowlan

Year 10: Ryan Toole

Year 11: Harmony Hua

Outstanding All Round Achievement

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The Outstanding All Round Achievement recognises a student from each year that has achieved excellence across all three areas of academia, sport and school and community. It is awarded to the student who scores the highest number of points in their year.

Year 7: Penny Hughes

Year 8: Natalie Sheehan

Year 9: Marley Loader

Year 10: Ryan Toole

Year 11: Xanthe Johnson

The Jo Troy Make a Difference Award was presented to Patrick Radnedge.

This award acknowledges a student for their kindness and willingness to be there for others, the award commends them on the difference that they make in school. It is award to celebrate the difference that one person can make.

The Henry Lawson High School P&C Award for Outstanding Contribution to School Community was awarded to Xanthe Johnson.

This award is presented to a student in the school who earns the most points for their involvement in Extracurricular activities within the school and the community.

Ryan Toole was named the Student of the Year.

The student who has the highest point score in the school is awarded the Student of the Year.