29 March 2025
New home for faces of Grenfell

Weddin Shire Council hosted their ordinary monthly meeting for 2024 on December 19. During this meeting, Council discussed the relocation of the portraits which were previously located on the side of the Grenfell Motel.

The recommendations within the business paper were that Council:

- Notes the information contained in the Corporate Services report.

- Notes that permission has been granted by the Girl Guides and Scouts Association to use the northern wall of the Girl Guide and Scout Hall as one of the options.

- Approves the Arts, Tourism & Events team to proceed with the relocation and installation process once a location has been selected.

- Endorses the northern wall of the Girl Guide and Scout Hall as the most suitable location, recognising its potential to encourage locals and visitors alike to utilise the area as a space to sit, stay, and enjoy the portraits, rather than simply passing by, while also offering accessibility, adequate parking for towing vehicles, and proximity to the Main Street.

These recommendations were all passed after a discussion by Council.

Acting Director of Corporate Services Auburn Carr said at the time of the Council meting, the set of four portraits were stored at the Council Depot, which is not a great spot for them long term.

Ms Carr said there were a number of a number of options presented to council for the portraits to be displayed, with the northern wall of the Guide Hall being a favourite.

“The Guides are actually very keen to secure the portraits on that particular site,” Ms Carr said.

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“They see the value in adding an additional attraction to that area of town as well as the inspiration that those notable Grenfell locals can provide for the young people who use that facility.”

“So I think it’s a great solution that is being presented in the recommendation,” she said.

Councilor Colleen Gorman asked if there were any other places where the portraits could be placed.

Ms Carr said there were a number of other options which were put forward, noting the Grow Grenfell Group had a preference for the Western end of the Grenfell Pool.

Ms Carr said the Grow Grenfell Group have a particular interest in these portraits as they’ve recently invested in their maintenance

and they would like to see them lit up as part of the Grenfell Lights project.

Cr Gorman said she can see the value of both locations considering the portraits are of notable sportspeople who have passed through Grenfell.

Cr Gorman said she therefore sees a connection with the swimming pool which is a big sporting place and is much more of a area where townspeople gather, highlighting the distance from the centre of town and is in an area where people might be more likely to drive by.

Councilor Wezley Makin asked if it has been discussed or noted if the portraits could be separated to their local areas where those individuals were from or associated with such as the Cricket or Tennis Clubs.

Ms Carr said there has been extensive consultation

over the relocation of the portraits and there is a preference to keep them together as a set.

Councilor Paul Best said his personal preference would include updating them as they have other people now they could put on them as well, and updating them with images which are more true to form.

Cr Best said they also have other sportspeople like Clare Hunt and cricketers which they could incorporate into murals, but he noted this may be something for the future.

Cr Makin asked if the Girl Guides and Scout Hall had expressed an interest in maintaining those portraits if put there.

Ms Carr said they would have to take that under notice.

Cr Best said they have been contacted and if they could, they probably would..