Grenfell Car Club look back over year at AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Grenfell Car Club, Historic Classic & Modern, was held last week.

President Billo Wheatley reported on a successful year, as follows.

President’s Annual Report

Well looking back over the last twelve months I think the car club has achieved quite a lot. We had our 20 year birthday celebrations on 29 May with an evening at the Grenfell Bowling Club. Stuart Taylor gave an interesting talk on the history of the Grenfell Car Club (GCC) from the beginning to the present day. We had a number of original members present for the very successful night.

In September it was agreed to make Justyn Armstrong an honorary member of the GCC and he gladly accepted.

Our annual car show was highly successful in our new venue in the main street. We received great feedback and thank all who helped on the day. I also want to thank all the committee and club members for their support over the past year, as well as the Bowling Club for their assistance throughout the year.

We have become a successful club with over 100 members, but to continue we need support from all members. Too many organisations in town fail because of lack of support: don’t let this happen to us.

Events Co-ordinator Stuart Taylor gave his report:

We’ve been conducting car runs on the second Sunday of every month and Cars & Coffee events on the fourth Sunday of each month. These have been reasonably well supported by the members, it seems that mostly the same people go on the runs throughout the year, same with the Cars & Coffee events.

My assistant John (Gorman) has been a great help with the organising and it seems that at least one of us are able to go on our drives and activities.

Thank you to the club executive and members for your support during the year. Keep in mind that anyone can organise an activity for the club.

Elections were chaired by Col Meyers and the following were elected:

President: Billo Wheatley; Vice-presidents: Alan Griffiths and Barry Neville; Secretary and Public Officer: Allan Hodgson, Assistant Secretary: Peter Mellon;

Treasurer: Peter Mellon; Events co-ordinator: Noelene Brandt, assistant events co-ordinator: Stuart Taylor; Editor: Jill Hodgson, assistant editor; Noelene Brandt;

Plates Registrar: Peter Mellon, Assistant plates registrars: Alan Griffiths and David Crosher; Regalia Officer: Wendy Johnson.

Recent activities have been a drive to Neville for lunch at the Neville Hotel, a visit to the Caragabal pub for lunch, and Cars & Coffee at South West Diner Grenfell.

Future drives will be to Eugowra for coffee, and to Gundagai to visit the truck museum and have lunch at the refurbished Niagara Café.

A survey of members last year indicated that they would like a mixture of Saturday and Sunday runs – this will start to happen this year.

The emphasis now is planning for the Car Show on the Sunday of the long week-end in June.