21 September 2024
Kick the dirt to find what soils, crops, pastures need

You know the old adage, 'a picture is worth a thousand words', well, in a similar way, your above and below-ground landscape is always telling you a compelling story.

Right now, most Australian agricultural landscapes are communicating that common forms of management are unproductive and unhealthy in the long-term.

The incredible possibility to improve the story of Australian soils and farm production is why YLAD Living Soils has partnered with other farmers, agronomists and soil scientists to offer a free upcoming Field Day.

By attending this Field Day, you'll visit two local farms successfully integrating regenerative principals into their cropping and grazing programs, improving soil, plant, animal and human health.

Come and learn how you can make the transition to a healthy system.

At this free Field Day, farmers, agronomists and soil scientists will facilitate a series of hands-on experiences, demonstration sites and conversations to help you read and respond to what your soils, crops and pasture need now, so that your landscape is increasingly productive and abundant, using management practices that improve the relationship between plants, roots and soils.

To 'read' the story of crops and pastures, participants will assess plants using visuals, leaf tissue tests, refractometers and sap pH meters as indicators of plant health and nutrition. Then, to respond to their plants' needs, participants will learn how to follow-up with foliar applications through an efficient, effective and economical foliar nutrition program.

To 'read' the story of your soils, participants will engage in a 'shovel show and tell' with Dr Katharine Brown to build their wisdom as experts of their own soil health status.

And, to respond to what your soils are telling you, participants will learn how to plan crop and pasture rotations, as well as multi-species sowing, for soil health.

Participants will also experience the benefits of and learn how to build their own worm farm, to integrate very cost effective vermicompost into your farming practices. These skills are your best insurance for and pathway towards reliable, healthy, high-value and abundant production.

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By the end of the day, you and other participants will be able to discuss soil properties - like biology, structure, and chemistry - and explain what types of management techniques will improve your soil health, so that you can effectively increase your below-ground bank account of water, carbon and nutrients in your soils.

You'll also be able to share with your family and friends how plants and their roots work in partnership with soils and microbiomes to increase your photosynthetic engine, improve nitrogen use efficiency, and thus ensure the productivity of your farm.

To book, scan the QR code in the advertisement and don't miss this all-important day. Or Contact YLAD Living Soils phone 1300 811681 or email

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