Members of the Grenfell community and services from around the region were at Taylor Park on Thursday, September 18 for the Grenfell Voices Against Violence's first Free Family Fun Day.
The Family Fun Day was aimed at allowing families to have a fun day out while also sharing ways in which community members can find out about the services available to people experienced family or domestic violence.
Grenfell Voices Against Violence's April Hedley said the family fun day was fantastic and well supported by community members and a range of community services.
With services coming from Grenfell, Forbes and Cowra, Ms Hedley said it allowed them to network and share details so they can refer people in need to the best suited community service within the region.
Ms Hedley said events such as this are really important for the community and service organisations as it allows everyone to come together and share what they do and create a strong community feeling.
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"Out here in the country, when everyone bands together for something, it really goes off and really makes a strong impact," she said.
Alojng with being able to find out some of the health and community services available in the region, there was a free sausage sizzle and a range of fun activities for kids to take part in.
Among the groups and service providers who attended the Family Fun Day and shared what they do included Grenfell Combined Churches, the Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) Oral Health Service, Binaal Billa Family Violence Prevention Legal Service, Yoorana Gunya, Wilcannia-Forbes Catholic Care, Services Australia, Centrelink, Services NSW, Relationships Australia, Salvation Army/Doorways, Cowra Information & Neighbourhood Centre, and WNSWLHD social workers from community health services in Forbes, Parkes and Grenfell.
Ms Hedley said they were blown away by the community in general and the engagement of both community members and services.
"It's so nice to know that there are people out there who are supportive and who you can turn to," Ms Hedley said.
With so many community groups and services promoting their services, Ms Hedley said if people know many of the services are free, it makes a massive change for them and easier for them to get help.
The Grenfell Voices Against Violence were also able to raise $647 through sales of their shirts, Grenfell Community Health Social Worker Elly Schiller said, with all proceeds going back into purchasing resources to raise awareness for domestic violence.
Ms Hedley said they would like to thank the community and their volunteers for their generosity at the event.
Ms Schiller said they also wanted to thank The Grenfell Lions Club, The Grenfell Food Hall, the Weddin Shire Council, Grenfell IGA, Grenfell Newsagency and The Conron Store for supporting the Family Fun Day.
"Without them we don't have an event like that happening as we don't have the money for it," she said.
For more information about local services contact Grenfell Community Health on (02) 6349 1750.