By Anita Edwards, Publicity Officer.
Our first meeting for the year was off to a shaky start, when our host, Pat Verney, advised the committee on the day before that she was not well enough to have it at her place.
But Anita Edwards quickly stepped in and offered her house, and members were promptly advised. In the end, the meeting was well attended, and members enjoyed a pleasant afternoon outdoors, interrupted briefly at one stage by some rowdy apostle birds with their young demanding to be fed.
There was some lively discussion about what functions we should hold this year.
The consensus was:
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To support the Cancer Council May/June fundraising efforts, as we have in previous years, but to change our emphasis from ‘The Biggest Morning Tea’ and hold a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. If you want to join in the fun, don’t worry, you won’t need a mad hat.
Hats and photo opportunities will be provided.
We will again approach the Weddin Native Nursery to seek their support by allowing us to use their Nursery as our venue.
This has proved a popular move in previous years, allowing participants to enjoy a delicious morning tea, and to learn about or purchase Australian natives from the Nursery if they wish. We will be discussing this further at our April meeting, and final details will be advised.
To hold a Street Stall in September to allow people to purchase plants and cuttings provided by our members, as well as the usual range of delectable cakes, slices, jams etc again provided by members.
To hold an Open Gardens in October. This is still in early discussion stage, but we are considering, if there is enough interest, also inviting non-members to include their gardens. More details on dates venues etc. will be forthcoming.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 1 April, at 2 p.m. Pat Verney is hosting, and her address is 1 Bourks Street, corner Forbes Street.
Again, anyone interested in joining, or just to come along and see what we are all about, will be very welcome.