29 March 2025
Touchdowns and Toole Boxes finish on top of the ladder

The Grenfell Junior Rugby Touch competition has wrapped up for the season, with the Touchdowns, captained by Baxter Sheehan winning the junior competition and the Toole Boxes captained by Ryan Toole claiming the high school division.

Grenfell Rugby Club's Chuckie Radnedge said the final match in the junior division between the Touchdowns and First Contact was pretty close, with the Touchdowns claiming the win 2-nil.

The leading try scorers for both competitions were also recognised for their efforts during the season.

Ryan Toole was the leading try scorer in the high school division with 12 tries under his belt.

The junior division saw a two-way tie for leading try scorer between Daisy Forde and Charlie Knight who each scored nine tries over the whole tournament.

Ms Radnedge said they look forward to a great season next year, and next year Grenfell Junior Rugby Club will have teams playing in the Under 8s, Under 10's and Under 12's tackle competitions.

The Club will also be having try tag teams in the same age groups as the tackle competition.

Ms Radnedge said the whole competition - both tackle and try tag will be open to both male and female players.

Ms Radnedge encourages people to get in touch with the Grenfell Junior Rugby Club if they would like to find out more about the 2025 season.