Panthers have top clash against Harden

The Panthers travelled to Harden with good numbers in both grades. Harden is currently second on the ladder with Pinks third so it was going to be an interesting clash. Amber started the game with a strong run and then Gab scored her first try ever in the opening minute of the game.

Harden hit back 10 minutes later, and with no conversion from either team the score was 5 all halfway through the first half.

Harden broke the deadlock with five minutes to go in the first half with a converted try, but Dicko answered with her own try three minutes later. A conversion by Helena brought the half time score to 12 all.

Harden scored a converted try two minutes into the second half, and this time it was Hannah's turn to it back with another try to the Pinks.

Another successful conversion to Helena saw the scores locked up again at 19 all.

The next 10 minutes saw possession see saw between the two sides before Harden scored two tries and a conversion to bring the score to 31-19 at full time.

Hannah picked up 3 points and player's player, 2 points went to Casey H and 1 point went to both Cobar and Michelle G.

In the men's game Harden opened the scoring with a penalty four minutes in.

Ten minutes later they finally broke through the Panthers defence to score a converted try and the half time score was 10 nil to the home side.

It took 20 minutes before points were scored in the second half. Jarrod scored a try and George's conversion brought the score to 7-10.

Harden hit back two minutes later with a converted try and the score was 14-7 to Harden.

George kicked a penalty to bring the margin back to 4 points. Harden closed the scoring with an unconverted try and the final score was 19-10.

Harden currently sit second and the men in black certainly put it to them.

Caleb got the 3 points, 2 for Tim B an1 point to Wise. Players player was shared by Danny and Wise

Next week the teams travel to West Wyalong. Wyalong are hosting an old boys game so game times have changed.

Old Boys will open the footy feast, followed by the men at 3:15pm and the girls will kick off under lights at 4:45pm.

The following weekend the Panthers are at home for Friday night games against Young.

It is also Pacific night with a hangi, pig on a spit and special Islander musical performances. Not a round to miss.