29 March 2025
Grenfell Hospital and MPS Auxiliary host AGM

This is the 92nd Annual report for the Auxiliary.

We have 22 financial members and our Officers are:

Patron - Lorraine Ivins

President - Glenice Clarke

Vice President - Janice Holland

Secretary - Marie Cotter

Treasurer - Vickie Reid

Publicity Officer - Dorothy Starr

Weddin Health

Council Rep - Carol Hargrave

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Auditor - Megan Starr

The following members were awarded with the following bars: Glenice Clarke 20 year bar, and 10 year bars for Hazel Pickwell, Colleen Nealon and Margaret Cuddihy .

Three of our members attended the annual conference which they enjoyed and learnt a lot.

We finished 2023 with a street stall in October, then a monster raffle for our stall at the Christmas Carnival in Vaughn park.

With eight wonderful prizes which Dorothy Starr had received from the business houses in Grenfell and I thank Dorothy for approaching them and the work she put into this, I also thank the businesses for their support.

Other winners include our raffle winner Carol Hargrave and lucky door prize winner Jenny Wells.

Our lamington orders from May to October 2023 were a great success!

Nine hundred dozen orders were made totaling 10,800 lamingtons with a profit of $5600 making it a very viable financial project.

Thank you to Dorothy and her band of ladies that make this possible and the hospital for the use of the Leisure room to make the lamingtons.

We closed our 2023 year at Unwind café were members and lamington volunteers came together for afternoon tea

2024 started with a street stall in February and I thank our members for their support at both stalls.

March saw eight members attend the Central West Forum day at Condobolin, we went by bus driven by Liz Lotherington and thank her for this.

It was an enjoyable day where I presented our branch report and met our new State President Sally Cronberger.

We will be hosting the 2025 Forum here in Grenfell.

The Treasurer's report highlighted that items purchased in the last 12 months included:

Emergency bags, eight new televisions for the MPS, Mosaic equipment, Activity items for the MPS staff Emma Stowe, Maree Neill and April Hedley, four recliner chairs including sharing costs for a recliner in the palliative room in memory of Margaret Hancock, a medical chair for Community Health costing $12340 and finally a computer for the Auxiliary as it is now compulsory for us to have one.

Many others have made donations including the Deb Ball, Voices Against Violence, MPS staff and families that have had loved ones in the MPS. All monies received and made by the Auxiliary stay in Grenfell for our own hospital and MPS.

The Auxiliary extends a thank you to all the staff at the Hospital and MPS under the leadership of Jackie Skinner, Nicole Widdows, Shelley Clark and Tracey Hewen as well as the Community Health Staff for the way they run all their sections on a daily basis.

Also many congratulations to Jasmin Jones on winning the NSW Health Staff Member of the Year award.

Lamington orders are to be in by Friday, September 6.

Orders can be made at the Bakery, the Tin Cupboard, The MPS and Community Health. Cost is $15 per dozen with payment made when ordering.

The next Auxiliary meeting will be held in the Leisure room at the Hospital on Wednesday, September 18.

I cannot finish this report without remembering our late patrons Meryl Hunter and Mavis Drogemuller who passed away close together at the end of 2023. These ladies were inspirations to us and great workers for our Auxiliary over many years and we miss them still.

As our motto says “Let us hold high the lamp of service for the welfare of our Hospital” and as a group we hope to be able to continue doing just that.

Glenice Clarke
